Is there such a thing as a “Favorite Child Selection Process?”
Yesterday, I had to laugh at my daughter.
I was having a (tad-bit-heated) discussion about schoolwork with my son, when I heard a voice from downstairs say, “This is the reason I’m the favorite child”.
I had a good laugh and then replied, “Yes, Honey, you are my favorite daughter”.
God blessed us with two fantastic children and I am so thankful!
I am also thankful that he made the “favorite child” question so easy to answer because he gave us one daughter and one son.
(One favorite daughter + one favorite son = boom!).
Our kids are a wonderful combo of so many things!
But if I had to seriously make a choice, I guess I’d have to start a comparison “list”!
The Favorite Child Selection Process: This is going to be tough!
Des was the first to start school and would have been fine staying home… while Tyler was at home and “ready to go” with his backpack years before.
Des enjoyed dressing up, tea parties, girlie playdates, and about a zillion sleepovers. (And let me tell you, little girls do not have quiet voices at bedtime).
Tyler had non-stop energy, holey kneed jeans, trucks, trains, scooters, trampolines, and baseball buddies!
They had a lot of fun together in our first home.
(Well… they had fun as long as Tyler followed Destiny’s orders). haha! From what we understand, Destiny is only responsible for two of his injuries…
The time she pushed him off the bed and he split his chin on our nightstand, (The dent is still there in our nightstand) and the time she fed him my diamond earrings as a baby.
You read that right and I’m sure you can guess HOW we discovered that he had “ingested them”!
During a diaper change, there was a surprisingly shiny object in Tyler’s diaper… Des didn’t fess up to anything at first, but she did ask a good question later that same day:
“Mom, don’t you remember that day when Tyler was choking?”
(She fed them to him with her tea party spoon while he was laying on his back playing with his mobile on the floor).
Oh my, goodness! She always said she should have been an only child! (But we won’t hold that against her in the Favorite Child Selection Process).
There were good school years and not so good years for both of them.
Homework nights? Yep. Not always fun either… But wow what great kids we have.
They have had many great friends over the years who have filled our home with good times and laughter, and they are very loving to their grandparents and other family members.
They are both awesome. 🙂 And these days they even ALLOW us to take pictures of them TOGETHER! Score!
And the Favorite Child Selection Process winner is…
Both of them!
Destiny Susannah and Tyler Johnathan-Capron Funk… You are CORRECT!
You are both “my favorite child”. (Mystery solved).
Let’s celebrate as we used to in the “old days”.
The only one with “hurt feelings” over this is our furry child, Ranger Funk.
Because he says he knows who the “real” favorite child is and it’s not Destiny and it’s not Tyler.
He just yelled, “This is bullsh*t!” and now, I must go wash his mouth out with soap.
Kids these days!
Do you have a favorite child?
Wishing you a great day!
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