“One-way” signs don’t belong in a blogger’s journey.

My friend Gina recently mentioned that she has been traveling a lot lately. She said when she looks up at the departures and arrivals board at the airport, she has to think about which destination she is headed to next. Blogging can feel that way too.

For many of us who re-enter the world of blogging, we go into it thinking there is one way to be a “blogger”. We want a “road map” or an easy to follow/simple instruction sheet that tells us how to do it right. A cheat sheet that will keep us steadily on the road to success.

However, even if we are told to take it slowly… most of us don’t follow that advice. (Slow and steady wins the race, you know.) Why? Because we are learning and getting our feet wet. We are excited and we are exploring!
Moreover, we get caught up in the “fun” things like creating a logo and choosing a pretty or “cool looking” theme for our blog. (Guilty).

Furthermore, we sometimes come to a fork in the road where we question the route we chose. We ask ourselves if we have gone down the wrong path. Did we stay on the path we started on? Are we even writing about what we initially planned to write about?

I’ve been doing a lot of that soul searching and question asking during the last month. I’ve been at it for ten months with the site launching a little under two months ago. One might not think that’s long enough to have a huge epiphany, but I have! I’ve been working on this FULL TIME (7 days a week) since February. I have learned a LOT (yes, emphasis on the word “lot”), and have definitely hit a few detours along the way!

On a recent drive to Huntington Beach with my husband, we had a great conversation about my blog. (No road signs needed for that drive, our car knows the way). We talked about what questions a blog visitor might ask. The question, “What is this blog about?” came to mind. We discussed the direction I had started in versus the place I was currently in. And you know what? His input confirmed all of the feelings I had been having myself!
Kimberly’s Joy started out as a Family Life and Travel blog. However, this amazing journey has changed things! I’ve become completely hooked on how much I enjoy the learning process (and it has been hard!). Subsequently, I’ve also realized how many others have struggled to figure the same things out. Things that I have figured out and would love to help them with.
Helping others is something I have always loved to do. That same passion has now transitioned into helping others become better bloggers!
The initial desire to embrace Kimberly’s Joy in its initial format and niche is still there, but adding blogging skills to that mix doesn’t make sense. With that in mind, there is only one way to solve the “problem” we have before us…

We’re starting another blog! I say “we” because my husband and I are absolutely a team. He may not like to write and he may not want much attention drawn to him, but he is a man full of creative ideas (lucky me!). And for you travel lovers, YOU are going to love some of the giveaway ideas he has come up with!
Stay tuned friends!
First, I will be updating Kimberly’s Joy slightly and removing all learning to blog content, and saving it for our new blog, “Blog with Kim Funk”. Next, we will launch the new site which will be full of helpful advice for new and growing bloggers. And finally (my favorite part) we will begin offering blogging skills courses in the near future! I am very excited about the new challenge of having TWO blogs (call me crazy!) and have already begun the process.
You can choose one or the other to continue following or join us for both! (We’d love that of course!) We’ll keep you posted on how to do this once this transition is complete.
We appreciate you! And as always, your input is GREATLY appreciated and welcome!
~ Kim
Contact me anytime 🙂 kim@kimberlysjoy.com

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