I have the best family.
Yesterday was a big day for me. HUGE. It was the day I launched the website and blog that I had been working on for nine months.
I got up yesterday morning and walked downstairs to my office at 4:00 AM as I had been doing most days in recent months. I opened the door to discover silver letter balloons over my window and wall that read: “Happy Launch Day” along with a special card waiting for me to open on my laptop. I just smiled, giggled to myself and thought, “How awesome is that?”. I later discovered that Dave and Des had planned it out and shopped for it the day before and that my daughter had been up until 2:30 AM working on that secret project! What dedication! (Thanks, Sweetie!)
A few hours later, I was summoned to the kitchen where I was served a mimosa along with a very sweet toast. My husband and kids had pulled out four of our “nice” wine glasses which we had received as wedding gifts back in 1995 and poured three glasses of orange juice and one mimosa, each complete with a floating strawberry. (Keeping it classy!). My husband offered up his congratulations and spoke of their love, support, and admiration for the time I had put into my very big project. It was very sweet and I will remember it always! (Thanks, Honey!)

Then yet another surprise arrived a little later when my son brought me roses. He did that all on his own and what a nice surprise it was! I asked him to reach up and grab a vase for me. (He is tall, so it was an easy assignment). I used my favorite vase, which used to be “Grama’s”, and then quickly put them on display on my kitchen table. They are beautiful and it was such a sweet gesture! (Thanks, Love!).
My family is awesome. I mention the fun things they did for me yesterday as I was getting ready to “launch”, but that doesn’t begin to cover all of the things they did for me in recent months. They took on many of the duties I usually do in order to allow me to focus on my blog. They took on trips to the grocery store, meal planning, housecleaning, errands, ETC. They really made a difference for me and I am so grateful!
I love my family, I appreciate my family, AND I have the BEST family.

It’s just the beginning! ❤️
Thank you my sweet daughter! 🙂