Little acts of kindness and connection can do wonders for the soul.
Meaningful connection is desired by many but with busy lives and an abundance of “apps” and newsfeeds, we seem to be lacking in this area and thus there are a lot of people out there who could use a “hug”.
Here are five easy ways to reach out and offer kindness to others:
- Be mindful of friends and family members who are (or have been) working on “something” or going through something. This might be something in the area
of being creative, transforming their physical self or improving their health,dealing relationship challenges, or maybe even someone considering a job change. - Reach out to those people and check in. If you feel that you are not “good” at remembering these things, create a reminder for yourself. With the many “apps” out there, or a good old fashioned wall calendar or planner, this is a very easy thing to do. (No excuses!)
- Choose someone to mail a card to or send a thoughtfully written email message at least once a month. This can be the same person or someone new each time. Think of someone who doesn’t have a lot of interaction with others, needs a hug, or just LOVES you very much.
- Start engaging more with those you don’t know that well, but interact with on social media or even Linked In. Like their posts, say hello, or comment on a picture of their loved one or something they posted highlighting a special event they planned and shared. They are sharing for a reason and we all love the interaction.
- Finally, do something or say something kind in REAL life – WITH – someone you don’t know. Offer the shopping cart you just got for yourself to the lady walking up towards the store, start a little chat in line in the checkout or take-out line, or make a comment about an elderly lady’s pretty necklace (you may be the only person she talks to that day!).
Connection is important.
Life is about connection. Show a little kindness to others whenever possible and encourage them! What you will receive in return will be even more beautiful than what you gave.
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